Widmaier Verlag Hamburg

Studia Monographica

Lingua Aegyptia – Studia Monographica

Founded by Frank Kammerzell & Gerald Moers

Edited by Frank Kammerzell, Gerald Moers & Kai Widmaier

Lingua Aegyptia - Studia Monographica (recommended abbreviation: LingAeg – StudMon) was founded in 1994. While the scope of the series is in congruence with the Journal and covers all aspects of the Egyptian and Coptic languages and literatures as well as related academic fields, the series is devoted to monographic studies as well as to conference proceedings and other edited volumes that focus specifically on one single topic.
Incoming manuscripts will be peer-reviewed. The series' editors are conducting the review process (preferably double-blind) by consulting the Journal's advisory board or other independent scholars.

Standing order service

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Review copies

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All volumes

Sami Uljas & Andreas Dorn (eds),
Crossroads VI: Between Egyptian Linguistics and Philology
Studia Monographica 30
Hamburg, published in April 2024
ISBN: 978-3-943955-30-9, x+355 p., colour and b&w illustrations
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Gerald Moers (ed.),
Narrative and Narrativity in Ancient Egypt: Case Studies on Narrative Difference in Various Media

Studia Monographica 29
Hamburg, published in December 2023
ISBN: 978-3-943955-29-3, viii+304 p., colour and b&w illustrations
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Marc Brose,
Die Sprache der königlichen Stelen der 18. Dynastie bis einschließlich Amenophis III.

Studia Monographica 28
Hamburg, published in June 2023
ISBN: 978-3-943955-28-6, xviii+702, German text
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Antonia Giewekemeyer,
Wer schreibt die Geschichte(n)? Die 8. bis frühe 12. Dynastie im Licht ägyptologischer und ägyptischer Sinnbildungen

Studia Monographica 27
Hamburg, published in December 2022
ISBN: 978-3-943955-27-9, xxx+530 pages, German text
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Nina Speransky,
Transitivity and Aspect in Sahidic Coptic: Studies in the Morphosyntax of Native and Greek-Origin Verbs (DDGLC Working Papers 2)

Studia Monographica 26
Hamburg, published in December 2022
ISBN: 978-3-943955-26-2, xxiv+218 pages
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Helmut Satzinger & Danijela Stefanović,
Egyptian Root Lexicon

Studia Monographica 25
Hamburg, published in December 2021
ISBN: 978-3-943955-25-5, viii+717 pages
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Matthias Müller,
Grammatik des Bohairischen

Studia Monographica 24
Hamburg, published in April 2021
ISBN: 978-3-943955-24-8, xxiv+936 pages, German text
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Simon Thuault,
La dissemblance graphémique à l’Ancien Empire: Essai de grammatologie cognitive

Studia Monographica 23
Hamburg, published in December 2020
ISBN: 978-3-943955-23-1, xx+376 pages (illustrations), French text
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Kathrin Gabler, Rita Gautschy, Lukas Bohnenkämper, Hanna Jenni, Clémentine Reymond, Ruth Zillhardt, Andrea Loprieno-Gnirs & Hans-Hubertus Münch (eds),
Text-Bild-Objekte im archäologischen Kontext: Festschrift für Susanne Bickel

Studia Monographica 22
Hamburg, published in March 2020
ISBN: 978-3-943955-22-4, xxii+293 p., 23 colour and 60 b&w illustrations
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Gaëlle Chantrain,
Eléments de la terminologie du temps en égyptien ancien: Une étude de sémantique lexicale en diachronie

Studia Monographica 21
Hamburg, published in January 2020
ISBN: 978-3-943955-21-7, xxxiv+344 pages (illustrations), French text
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Marwan Kilani,
Vocalisation in Group Writing. A New Proposal

Studia Monographica 20
Hamburg, published in December 2019
ISBN: 978-3-943955-20-0, vi+150 p.
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Gaëlle Chantrain & Jean Winand (eds),
Time and Space at Issue in Ancient Egypt

Studia Monographica 19
Hamburg, published in December 2018
ISBN: 978-3-943955-19-4, viii+242 p., 11 colour and 83 b&w illustrations
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Kristina Hutter,
Das sDm=f-Paradigma im Mittelägyptischen: Eine Vergleichsstudie verschiedener Grammatiken

Studia Monographica 18
Hamburg, published in December 2017
ISBN: 978-3-943955-18-7, x+289 p. (incl. 47 tables)
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Eitan Grossman, Peter Dils, Tonio Sebastian Richter & Wolfgang Schenkel (eds),
Greek Influence on Egyptian-Coptic: Contact-Induced Change in an Ancient African Language (DDGLC Working Papers 1)

Studia Monographica 17
Hamburg, published in March 2017
ISBN: 978-3-943955-17-0, viii+534 p., 9 colour and 28 b&w illustrations, 70 tables
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Julia Budka, Frank Kammerzell & Sławomir Rzepka (eds),
Non-Textual Marking Systems in Ancient Egypt (and Elsewhere)

Studia Monographica 16
Hamburg, published in December 2015
ISBN: 978-3-943955-16-3, x+322 p.
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Eitan Grossman, Stéphane Polis, Andréas Stauder & Jean Winand (eds),
On Forms and Functions: Studies in Ancient Egyptian Grammar

Studia Monographica 15
Hamburg, published in December 2014
ISBN: 978-3-943955-15-6, vi+366 p.
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Andréas Stauder,
The Earlier Egyptian Passive: Voice and Perspective

Studia Monographica 14
Hamburg, published in May 2014
ISBN: 978-3-943955-14-9, xviii+454 p.
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Marc Brose,
Grammatik der dokumentarischen Texte des Mittleren Reiches

Studia Monographica 13
Hamburg, published in February 2014
ISBN: 978-3-943955-13-2, xx+553 p.
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Andréas Stauder,
Linguistic Dating of Middle Egyptian Literary Texts: “Dating Egyptian Literary Texts” Göttingen, 9–12 June 2010, Volume 2

Studia Monographica 12
Hamburg, published in December 2013
ISBN: 978-3-943955-12-5, xx+568 p.
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Gerald Moers, Kai Widmaier, Antonia Giewekemeyer, Arndt Lümers & Ralf Ernst (eds),
Dating Egyptian Literary Texts: “Dating Egyptian Literary Texts” Göttingen, 9–12 June 2010, Volume 1

Studia Monographica 11
Hamburg, published in December 2013
ISBN: 978-3-943955-11-8, xiv+653 p.
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R. B. Parkinson,
The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant: A Reader’s Commentary

Studia Monographica 10
Hamburg, published in September 2012
ISBN: 978-3-943955-10-1, xii+384 p.
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Eitan Grossman, Stéphane Polis & Jean Winand (eds),
Lexical Semantics in Ancient Egyptian

Studia Monographica 9
Hamburg, published in September 2012
ISBN: 978-3-943955-09-5, vi+486 p.
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Petra Andrássy, Julia Budka & Frank Kammerzell (eds),
Non-Textual Marking Systems, Writing and Pseudo Script from Prehistory to Modern Times

Studia Monographica 8
Göttingen: Seminar für Ägyptologie und Koptologie, published in 2009
VIII+309 p.
Verena M. Lepper & Leo Depuydt (eds),
H. J. Polotsky: Scripta Posteriora on Egyptian and Coptic

Studia Monographica 7
Göttingen: Seminar für Ägyptologie und Koptologie, published in 2007
VI+229 p.
out of print
Anthony Spalinger,
Five Views on Egypt

Studia Monographica 6
Göttingen: Seminar für Ägyptologie und Koptologie, published in 2006
[viii]+173 p.
José M. Galán,
Four Journeys in Ancient Egyptian Literature

Studia Monographica 5
Göttingen: Seminar für Ägyptologie und Koptologie, published in 2005
[vi]+186 p.
out of print
Stephan Jäger,
Altägyptische Berufstypologien

Studia Monographica 4
Göttingen: Seminar für Ägyptologie und Koptologie, published in 2004
[x]+342+xlvi+XCIV p.
out of print
Dörte Borchers, Frank Kammerzell & Stefan Weninger (eds),
Hieroglyphen Alphabete Schriftreformen: Studien zu Multiliteralismus, Schriftwechsel und Orthogrphieneuregelungen

Studia Monographica 3
Göttingen: Seminar für Ägyptologie und Koptologie, published in 2001
[vi]+268 p.
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Gerald Moers (ed.),
Definitely: Egyptian literature: Proceedings of the symposion "Ancient Egyptian literature: history and forms", Los Angeles, March 24–26, 1995

Studia Monographica 2
Göttingen: Seminar für Ägyptologie und Koptologie, published in 1999
x+140 p.
out of print
Frank Kammerzell,
Panther, Löwe und Sprachentwicklung im Neolithikum: Bemerkungen zur Etymologie des ägyptischen Theonyms M#fd.t, zur Bildung einiger Raubtiernamen im Ägyptischen und zu einzelnen Großkatzenbezeichnungen indoeuropäischer Sprachen

Studia Monographica 1
Göttingen: Seminar für Ägyptologie und Koptologie, published in 1994
100 p.
out of print